Edward Zohn designed and created this website, and he continues to modify it and add content constantly. The design was not farmed out to individuals who know nothing about you and me, or a company which has little interest in our collective success. We aimed to create a site that is minimalist and uncluttered, which is the same way we approach our work.
You will therefore notice that the site does not have stock photos of the scales of justice or stern-looking portrait photos of attorneys in front of a library of legal books – only photos of a few historic New Jersey courthouses from Edward’s camera. Right now the home page photo is of the Somerset County Historic Courthouse, in Somerville, NJ. The site does not have endless paragraphs of flowery language identifying all of the fantastic accomplishments of the attorneys. You may use our contact form if you wish, but our phone number and email addresses are easily found. We have tried hard to eliminate all the extraneous things which matter little to you. We want you to get all of the information you need, as quickly and easily as possible.
For those of who are interested in the tech details, we created the website using the WordPress content management system. We’ve used the “Clean Business Pro” theme from Catch Themes. Our website hosting company is InMotion.
We appreciate your comments and suggestions about the site.